Despite Corona the Prime Minister gave good news about the economy
Remittances have risen to 2.3 billion in September 2020 the fourth consecutive month that remittances have exceeded 2 2 billion Imran Khan tweeted.
Islamabad (10bmnews latest news) Prime Minister Imran Khan has said that despite the Corona epidemic there is good news for our economy. In September 2020 remittances have increased to 3 2.3 billion. In this regard, Prime Minister Imran Khan in a message on social networking site Twitter said that despite the epidemic there is more good news for our economy that in September 2020 remittances sent by our hardworking Pakistanis from abroad 2.3 Reached the level of 1 billion which is 31% higher than last September and 9% higher than August 2020. Thankfully this is the fourth consecutive month that remittances have exceeded 2 2 billion
وباءکےباوجود ہماری معیشت کیلئےمزید خوشخبری: ستمبر2020 میں بیرون ملک سے ہمارے محنتی پاکستانیوں کیجانب سے بھجوائی جانے والی ترسیلاتِ زر 2.3 ارب $ کی سطح تک پہنچیں جوگزشتہ ستمبرسے 31%جبکہ اگست 2020 سے 9%زیادہ ہیں، الحمدللہ۔ یہ لگاتار چوتھا مہینہ ہےکہ یہ ترسیلات 2 ارب $ سےزیادہ رہیں۔
— Imran Khan (@ImranKhanPTI) October 12, 2020
On the other hand, Prime Minister Imran Khan action plan against inflation has been prepared it has been decided to deploy Tiger Force in the field decisions to reduce the prices of essential commodities will be implemented from tomorrow. It has been decided to make full use of it. In this regard, the Prime Minister has once again decided to take the Tiger Force to the field where the Tiger Force is likely to be given the task of identifying the hoarders.
Consultations with Special Assistant for Youth Affairs Usman Dar have been completed and the Prime Minister has directed to convene a major convention of the Tiger Force. The convention will be held next week in Islamabad with the participation of Tiger Force youth. After receiving guidelines from the Prime Minister, Usman Dar started preparations for the convention