Before the ceremony began, a jet flew in the air with a terrifying sound to remind of the attacks, and President Biden looked up at the sky.
On the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, three American presidents, along with their wives, stood silently side by side on the site of the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York.
Twenty years after the tragedy at the US National Monument, US President Joe Biden, former President Barack Obama, and Bill Clinton took part in a procession with American flags on the occasion.
He was wearing blue bandages and his hands were on his chest. Thousands of Americans gathered to mourn the dead. Some citizens carried pictures of their loved ones killed in the attacks
Before the ceremony began, a jet flew in the air with a terrifying sound to remind of the attacks, and President Biden looked up at the sky. Biden was a senator when hijackers hijacked four planes. He is now celebrating the 9/11 anniversary for the first time as commander-in-chief of the US military.
The White House, on the other hand, released a recorded statement from the president on Friday in which he spoke about the real sense of national unity in the aftermath of the attacks, which was reflected in the form of bravery on both sides, expected and unexpected.
The big lesson for me from 9/11 is that unity is our greatest strength he said. Today, President Biden will visit the three sites where the attack took place to commemorate the event that destroyed the invincible atmosphere of the United States and killed 3,000 Americans.
US President Biden released a video on Friday to remember those who lost their lives in the incident. He offered his condolences to the families of the victims and paid tribute to the courage and sacrifices of American personnel over the past 20 years. Revive