NEW YORK – The cause of death of an American actress who was killed in June this year has been revealed. According to the Daily Star the 27-year-old actress named Dakota Sky was living in Los Angeles, California USA She was homeless and lived in a van instead of a flat or an apartment.
His body was found in the same van on June 9. Dakota was addicted to drugs and now the doctors have stated in the post-mortem report that drug abuse was the cause of her death. The report states that Dakota used various drugs and even on the day of her death. He used various drugs which led to his death
Dakota Sky’s real name was Lorraine Scott. Sources say that Dakota was facing severe difficulties in her career and in addition, she was facing online criticism, exploitation, and bullying due to which she was suffering from severe depression.
A few days before her death, Dakota posted a photo of herself in a semi-nude photo with a memorial to George Floyd, a black man who died at the hands of police, and was criticized by Internet users. Identified