The first statement came after the video of the doctor dancing for the patients came to light also explaining the reason for dancing

Sahiwal – A doctor dancing for patients in the Gulshan-e-Noor area has appeared in front of media for the first time after his video came to light.

In an interview with the British Broadcasting Corporation, he said that these patients had already sung to me before. On this day, specially prepared this song, I came and danced to encourage them.
This incident took place a few days ago. Checked and give me medicine, after which they offered me a song. I could not get rid of the song and I started dancing. The mental state of the patient should also be given importance, after treatment and medicine. I come. People tried to give them the wrong color by sharing small clicks

It should be noted that a video of Dr. Ghazanfar Bukhari of Gulshan-e-Noor area of ​​Sahiwal came to light a few days ago in which a woman and a man could be seen singing while the doctor could be seen dancing.

ساہیوال کے ڈاکٹر غضنفر بخاری کے پاس مریض پہنچا۔ڈاکٹر نے مریض سے اسکا پیشہ پوچھا تو انہوں نے بتایا ہم گانے گاتے ہیں۔ ڈاکٹر نے ان سے گانا سن کر انجوائے کیا ساتھ رقص بھی کرتے رہے اور پھر مریض کا مفت علاج کیا۔

— Muhammad Umair (@MohUmair87) September 27, 2021

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