New York (Monitoring Desk) Is your husband cheating on you or not? The professional detective who caught men red-handed betraying them has now revealed the signs by which women can find the answer to this question. According to The Sun, this woman named Alexandra Quick offers her services to women who have their own. Husband is suspected of infidelity. Alexandra grabs her husband by the arm with her potential girlfriend and provides evidence to her client.
Alexandra says that if women keep an eye on their husbands’ daily routines, they can better determine if their husband is having an affair with another woman. If a woman’s husband is going to the bathroom more than usual during office hours from home and is taking the phone with him every time, then there is definitely something black in the lentils. The man’s habit of spending a lot of time on the phone, keeping the phone with a password, and keeping the phone upside down while sitting next to his wife also reflects the fact that he is having an affair somewhere. Also, the fact that the husband starts spending more time outdoors and keeps on grooming himself more than before is also a sign of his potential infidelity.