Aunty Pakistan made a fuss on Twitter overnight

The war that started between Pakistan and India over the Indian film Phantom was intensified by the people of both countries especially the people of Pakistan and those belonging to the drama and film industry. Took part Meanwhile, on the social networking website Twitter, a woman made a fuss through her tweets overnight.

The woman’s account on Twitter is called ‘Aunty Pakistan’. Aunty Pakistan started speaking in support of Maura Hussain. Everyone stopped talking. However, in this war, most of the women and girls also gave their full support to Aunty Pakistan. Aunty Pakistan through its tweets criticized Junaid Jamshed, Hamza Ali Abbasi, and others and you and Aunty Pakistan did not spare even PTI chairman Imran Khan.

Aunty Pakistan’s followers who have reached the heights of fame on Twitter overnight have also increased dramatically, while Twitter users have also started responding to Aunty Pakistan’s right and humorous tweets. Click here to view Aunty Pakistan’s Twitter account

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