The incident of torture of female member of PTI on Tahiranjum turned out to be a drama, the investigation broke out

During the investigation, the communication between Anila Riaz and Tahir Anjum on their mobile phones was proved, both of them confessed to the plan. Lahore – In front of the Punjab Assembly, a woman activist of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf was tortured on the President of the Muslim League (N) Cultural Wing, Tahir Anjum. According to the…

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An 11-year-old girl was seriously injured in a knife attack in London’s Leicester Square

The girl’s mother was also injured in the attack, the police arrested a suspect London – An 11-year-old girl has been seriously injured in a knife attack on London’s Leicester Square. The police arrested a 32-year-old suspect, according to the British Broadcasting Agency. The victim girl has been admitted to a local hospital for medical…

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